Trikaal INC offers investment banking services that are client-friendly. We deal in a wide range of financial products, making sure to thoroughly scrutinize each opportunity for its safety and exit strategies before presenting any ideas to our customers. We guarantee all our investment banking offers, and through leasing and loan raising, we use this investment service to help our clients, high net worth or otherwise, monetize their realty assets.
Deciding whether or not to pick up an investment opportunity is not easy. Luckily, the clients do not have to do it alone. We have created an entire company for this precise reason; to help those who choose us find and benefit from the best opportunities in the real estate and investment markets.
Before we recommend an opportunity for you, we take time and allocate the necessary resources to, thoroughly and rigorously, analyze the opportunity. We attend to every client's needs as if they were our own; with due diligence, respect, and patience. Before we advise them to make a financial commitment, we take the risk of diving behind the curtain and provide them with a detailed financial model, an analysis of the proposed opportunity, and sufficient measures in risk mitigation.We saw an opportunity in slum rehabilitation projects because these are safe bets, and we recommend these investments to our customers primarily because these contributes to the improvement of people’s standards of living. By investing in the rehabilitation of slums, we can help our clients as they lend a hand in the transformation of entire neighbourhoods, helping create more opportunities for the future of real estate. Thanks to technology and development of new trends, investment in SRA is paying off more than anyone ever thought was possible.
Trikaal INC. shares any risk that clients and investors face in their investments. When selling a particular allotment, we make sure that the involved client is aware of the role we play. The company accepts any risk and responsibility that comes from a sell recommendation, hence sharing the burden with clients. We do this to gain the trust and to create a goodwill among those, we serve.